I'm an illustrator based in Moscow, Russia. I graduated from BHSAD Moscow BA (Hons) Illustration, 2015.
I'm interested in folk historical traditions of my country, ancient legends, fairy tales and beliefs, I find these theme very deep and inspiring. Also I find my inspiration in nature, forest, plants - somehow this theme is also connected with old Slavic leegends and myths because in ancient times people lived close to nature and their live depended on it. That's why ancient people imagined lots of gods and interesting creatures in nature which became characters of many legends and tales.
I work mostly with printmaking - I really love the linocut technique and most of my works are linoprints.
Subspicies/Подвиды (2014) FLACON, Moscow
Storyline (2014) FLACON, Moscow
Paper Fashion Week (2014) Paper, Red October, Moscow
Exhibition of BHSAD student works (2014) Artplay, Moscow
Robots Show (Бал роботов, 2014) Artplay, Moscow
FUMETTO International Comic Festival Satellite Exhibition Storyline/Soroka (2015), Switzerland, Luzern
Британка: Рабочий Режим (2015) Artplay, Moscow
FUMETTO International Comic Festival Satellite Exhibition (2016), Switzerland, Luzern
SOLYANKA (2016), anticafe km 0 (антикафе Нулевой километр), Moscow
ИСТОРИИ И ПАТТЕРНЫ - A part of BOOMFEST Comic Festival (2016), ZOOM- cafe, Saint-Petersburg
The Gray Wolf will come... - FUMETTO International Comic Festival Satellite Exhibition (2017), Switzerland, Luzern